
The Office of Sponsored Research and Programs offers internal grants such as the Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities grant program and can be located under Internal Grants. Faculty who are interested in locating sources of funding specific to their research interests can access SPIN, a subscriber service offered by InfoEd that can deliver funding opportunity notifications directly to you.

Faculty are encouraged to solicit external financial support in the form of grants, contracts and cooperative agreements from agencies in the public and private sectors. The CSUDH Foundation, in partnership with the university's Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP), assists the university by entering into these agreements with project sponsors on the university’s behalf and by providing post-award fiscal, compliance and administrative support for the term of the agreement. 

University faculty and staff members who direct sponsored projects have the principal responsibility to carefully manage these programs. This guide is intended to help the Project Director, and/or their administrative staff, fulfill that responsibility. Its purpose is to assist in carrying out the basic administrative and financial functions required to utilize the funds made available for the project.

Supporting this guide are policies and manuals such as the Project Director Handbook, the Campus Administrative Manual, Campus Administrative Policy, and Sponsored Programs policy and procedures. In addition, the staff of the Sponsored Research and Programs office is available to provide assistance and guidance in administrative, compliance, and financial matters.

Graduate Student Funding Opportunities

Graduate Equity Fellowship (GEF) 

Graduate Equity Fellowship (GEF) program at CSUDH seeks to increase the diversity of students completing graduate degree programs, encourage further study in doctoral programs, and promote consideration of university faculty careers. 

Graduate Students are encouraged to apply for the Graduate Equity Fellowship (GEF). 

Graduate Research Advancement & Development (GRAD) 

Graduate Research Advancement & Development (GRAD) supports graduate students in their professional and academic development outside of the classroom in both research and creative activities. 

Questions regarding funding opportunities for graduate students, contact Vanessa Cervantes, Graduate Coordinator,

Annual Student Research Conference

California State University, Dominguez Hills recognized student research as an fundamental part of student learning. CSUDH continually explores new ways to provide research opportunities to students and faculty to expand their research knowledge and providing resources for their research and presentation.

CSUDH hosts an annual Student Research Conference for undergraduate and graduate scholar activities and this year it will be held on March 1-5, 2021. Student Research Conference is held to promote excellence in research by recognizing outstanding students accomplishments across the disciplines at CSUDH. 

Students’ research projects can be class or independent study projects that meet the research criteria for the competition. Projects completed during the prior spring and fall semesters are eligible to apply. Student participants will make oral presentations before juries of professional experts. 

Interested students should submit a narrative summary of their original research, scholarly or creative work. The narrative summary should not exceed 300 words. Abstracts are submitted online only. All abstracts will be published online prior to the conference and will be archived for future reference. 

How to Apply


Session Winners

McNair Scholar Program

The Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program was established in the name of the late NASA mission specialist, who perished in the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger explosion. The program’s goal is to encourage and prepare students who are traditionally underrepresented in college to pursue graduate studies – specifically, a Ph.D. The program provides a variety of academic support and services. The McNair Scholars Program at CSUDH was established in 2004, and to date we have successfully achieved a 93% graduate school acceptance rate.

Are you interested in earning a Ph.D.? Visit the McNair web-page and apply to be a scholar. 

Questions regarding the McNair Scholar Program, contact the office at Phone:  (310) 243-2098 or Email:

Research Compliance

The Research Compliance unit is responsible for ensuring that research conducted at California State University, Dominguez Hills follows the guidelines and regulations set forth by the federal, state, and university for the protection of human subjects, ethical use of animals, and other research related areas.

For additional Research Compliance information or questions please contact Judy Aguirre, Research Compliance Officer, or (310) 243-2136.

Research Concierge

The Research Concierge serves as a central resource for faculty to ease the process of establishing and performing research activities at CSUDH that may require space, equipment, technology support, or have complex compliance/oversight requirements that necessitate cross-divisional collaboration. If you have such needs impacting your ability to perform research, send an email to with the subject line "Research Concierge Support Request" and include the following information:

  • Name
  • Department and College
  • What do you need help with?
  • What steps you have tried so far to get your needs met?